Query Log, Stardate May ’21. Rejections Are… Hard

Today is a 'rejections suck, but I'm not going to quit and neither should you' post. That's right, fellow writers: Engrave this in your brain: EVERY WRITER GETS REJECTED. You will be no different.John Scalzi Since I began sending out my first manuscript in January this year, I've received the following responses: Agent rejections: 15; … Continue reading Query Log, Stardate May ’21. Rejections Are… Hard

The Archivist: an update

The sabotage took effect just prior to entering this stretch of space, ensuring the engines had to remain on while we passed the black hole. We couldn’t Jump out of the laneway, and we couldn’t turn off the engines while travelling in this dimension or risk being pulled apart by multitudes of conflicting forces. Whoever … Continue reading The Archivist: an update

Pitch Wars

So I'm doing a thing. Testing the water. I'm entering Pitch Wars this coming September 27th - October 1st. What is Pitch Wars, you say? Pitch Wars is a mentoring program where published/agented authors, editors, or industry interns choose one writer each, read their entire manuscript, and offer suggestions on how to make the manuscript shine for … Continue reading Pitch Wars