
Emma Louise Gill (she/her) is a British-Australian writer, cat lover, nerd and bibliophile.

She writes speculative fiction with a dabble in other genres here and there. Novel-length, short stories, poetry, microfic…any and all. Currently querying On Solar Winds, first book of the Archivist space opera series, and writing book two.

Emma lives in Perth, Western Australia. She acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the land where she works and lives–the Bindjareb people of the Noongar Nation–and pays her respects to Elders past, present and emerging. She celebrates the stories, traditions, and living cultures of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people of all communities throughout Australia.

Emma loves sunshine, chocolate, and the sound of the ocean. Once a marine biologist, then conservationist, high school science teacher, and now early childhood educator. ADHD. Mum of two. If she’s not writing, she’s usually with kids, in nature, or asleep. Possibly all three.

Find her elsewhere on Twitter @emmagillwriter for daily comments on life, the universe and writing. She’s always up for a cup of [decaf] coffee, especially in a cafe by the sea. She’d love you to join her. Bring cat pics.

All content posted on this website is © Emma Louise Gill, unless otherwise noted. Thanks for stopping by.

woman with long red hair and green tshirt in a cafe
Image: Emma Louise Gill by M.Gill.


“There are three rules for writing a novel. Unfortunately, no one knows what they are.”
— W. Somerset Maugham

The first draft is just you telling yourself the story.
— Terry Pratchett

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